Well, I promised you all an update!
My next-to-be-published book is a middle-grade fiction read, set in Regency England. :-) My inspiration? First, I've long admired Jane Austen's books, and second, my 9-year-old niece expressed the need for more high-quality, wholesome, interesting books for her age/reading level! Thus, Jemima and the Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks has been born. Jemima strikes me as a mixture of Jane Austen and the Mandie series, meant for ages 9-12, though younger children with higher reading levels would enjoy it, too, as well as slightly older children.
This is the first book in what I intend to be a five-book series (Lord willing) entitled, "The Sudbury Family Adventures." Each book will center around one of the Sudbury family children. What is Jemima about? Read on! :-)
In Regency England, Jemima and her siblings can hardly contain their excitement when they learn that Cousin Aimée plans to come for an extended visit. Eleven-year-old Jemima especially looks forward to Aimée’s arrival, as her cousin is exactly her age.
However, Aimée turns out to be a different sort of girl than Jemima expected. Disdainful and rude but oh-so-accomplished, Aimée certainly doesn’t want Jemima to be her friend … and Jemima doesn’t want to spend any more time with Aimée than she must! Yet when household items start to go missing, including Reverend Sudbury’s heirloom cufflinks, Aimée accuses the Sudburies’ faithful servant Robert of theft. Secret searches, overheard conversations, and night adventures lead to a solution to this mystery story in which Jemima learns that Jesus can give her the power to love her enemies.
Planned Release for Jemima and the Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks: Mid-summer!
Expect to hear more about this book and its wonderful characters in the weeks ahead! :-)
And... I have another book (the one I've been working on this late winter/spring) planned for release in September/October. The exact date is yet-to-be-determined, but I will be slooowly leaking info about this as the Lord allows it to come together. :-)
So, lots of exciting things coming up on the road ahead. I covet your prayers for me, dear readers, as I seek to write for Christ's honor and truth.
And, as Jane Austen's Emma would say, "Now for the Cream..."
Here I was, looking for a great new medieval read, and to my delight, I discovered ...
Another Alicia! :-)
Alicia A. Willis is the author of To Birmingham Castle {Comrades of Honor #1}, In Search of Adventure {Comrades of Honor #2}, Remembering the Alamo, and God of Her Fathers. She's a homeschool graduate, church pianist, and writer who lives with her family in New Mexico (hence the Alamo connection). Writing fiction, Alicia concentrates on deep historical authenticity; her books will bring the past to life and are great for supplementing historical studies in school as well as for personal enjoyment. :-)
I asked Alicia if she'd like to visit with us today because her latest book, From the Dark to the Dawn releases July 18, 2014, and - BE STILL, MY BEATING HEART! - it is set in Ancient Rome!
Here's a peek at the {very exciting} cover:
Now, pour yourself a cup of coffee (my recommendation) or tea (if you must) and pull up a chair. We're talking about inspiration, favorite books, and the writing process. We'd love for you to visit with us! :-)
What authors have inspired you to write? Do we see any of that inspiration in your writing?

Alicia W: Florence Kingsley and Louisa May Alcott were my biggest inspirations. Some folks have told me that they see a classical style in The Comrades of Honor Series, so I am assuming that they did rub off on me! However, it would seem they influenced me only in my medieval books.
Can you let us know your favorite books?
Alicia W: Prisoners of the Sea, Pearl Maiden, and Sir Knight of the Splendid Way. They are all classics and all historical-fiction.
Alicia, as a fellow writer, I'd love to know - What does your own writing process look like?
Alicia W: I begin by forming some characters and a general plot in my mind. I then start doing research for whichever era I am writing in. When I have enough information to start, I begin writing! I am a perfectionist and endeavor to write the manuscript correctly the first time around, mainly to save myself editing time (I dislike getting sick of a book by too many rewrites). I continue to research while I am writing. When the manuscript is complete, I do one rewrite and several proofreads. Then the book goes off to my endorsers and beta readers for a final proof.
Has your writing changed since you wrote your first book? How?
Alicia W: My first two books (and the final book in The Comrades of Honor Series will be written this way) were written classically. I intended it this way, as I feel the Middle Ages is best represented by a classical touch. However, since then, my three other titles were written with a more modern writing approach.

Alicia W: I base the titles off of a particular theme I wish to incorporate in the book. For example, Remembering the Alamo is about a youth group who – guess what?! – remembers the story of the Alamo.
Is there a particular theme that comes out in your writing?
Alicia W: Mercy and chivalry seem to come out a lot! Mercy is my spiritual gift, so that makes sense. And what young lady doesn’t like polite gentlemen? J
What literary character are you most like?
Alicia W: Do you mean from my own books? If so, disposition-wise, Moriah in From the Dark to the Dawn has some strong similarities to me. Interestingly enough, Philip (of the same book) is also like me in many ways. I wouldn’t say that characters from any of my other books are similar to me, however.
What are you reading right now?
Alicia W: I am reading Chasing Mona Lisa by Tricia Goyer. A fascinating, page-turning work of historical-fiction!
Dear readers, if you would like to learn more about Alicia, The Comrades of Honor Series, or her other books, she'd love to have you stop by:
Her Facebook Page - Be sure to like it for updates!
Her Website
Her Blog
Her Amazon Page
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