As my last Christmas present for 2014 for you readers, I thought it would be nice to giveaway an autographed copy of The Regency Adventures of Jemima Sudbury - Book One: The Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks! :-) Even if you already have your own copy, feel free to enter, and - if you win - you can always give the book away! Don't hesitate, though... This giveaway lasts just until midnight on Christmas Eve! (Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.)
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Passion: Wasting Talent {Part 1 of 2}
There was quite a bit of "buzz" in the Christian sphere a few years ago about the importance of having a "passion." At the time, I attended high school and college, and I remember expecting {and receiving} this question multiple times by a number of very well-meaning people: "Have you found something you're passionate about?" Or, the variation when I explained what I {thought} my career would be: "As long as God has given you a passion for it, that's great!"
I admit, I've caught myself saying something similar at times to others... and suffering from the guilty conscience that resulted.
I think this idea of a "passion" is usually well-meant: We mean that if God puts a desire in your heart for a goal or work, that's probably His stamp of approval on it. We mean that if God gives a particular talent, "dream," or ability to us, we should spend all of our energy on doing everything possible to make that God-given "passion" flare into life.
It makes sense, doesn't it? After all, why would God permit us to have a gift, a vision, a goal... and not want us to exploit it to the fullest of our abilities? Especially if we are doing it "for Him?"
But that puts the focus where it shouldn't be - on us and on that desire - and makes us miss the true point of our lives: to be a living sacrifice in whatever area God places us in, regardless of whether we "feel" a passion for it.
At one time, I felt deep regret that I was not doing what I was "passionate" about... what I had been told by accomplished professionals that I was "gifted" in... what I built altars to in my heart and worshiped. That dissatisfaction poisoned the joy that I had in serving God where He had chosen to place me at that time.
I regret that regret, that discontent, that feeling that "my" talent was being wasted.
For it wasn't wasted. It was no more wasted than Jesus' probable skill in carpentry was "wasted"
when He set aside his hammer and awl, took up the staff of a wanderer with no place to lay His head, and became a theological teacher, an occupation for which the men of His day declared Him dismally unqualified {John 8:41}. It was no more wasted than Jesus' Kingship in heaven was wasted when He took on human flesh and became filled with the holy zeal of redemption.
No more wasted than Oswald Chamber's distinct artistic talent was "wasted" when he refused a European art scholarship and instead went to teach at an insignificant seminary... for years.
No more wasted than Amy Carmichael's gift of teaching was "wasted" when she decided to go as a missionary to India instead of staying to further her significant ministry to the slum-girls in Ireland.
No more wasted than Adoniram Judson's first wife Ann, who poured out her life in Burma for a few short years before slipping into an early grave. I wonder, what gifts - what talents - what passions did Ann Judson have? What "good things" did she plunge the knife into and kill on the altar of her heart?
For God will have no rivals for our affections, for our life's purpose. For our passion.
He - He alone - must become our life's Purpose - our Affection - "our Exceedingly Great Reward." {Genesis 15:1}
The point of our lives is, so very simply, Christ, isn't it? As Paul says, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." {Philippians 3:10}
- George Herbert {emphasis his}
Food for Thought: How does this play out in your life, dear reader? Do you have a "passion" you have allowed to become the focus of your life?
Next Week: Part 2 of Passion - When God Gives the Desire and Other Thoughts
I might share this post with these blogs: Strangers and Pilgrims, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Homestead Lady, Deborah Jean's Dandelion House, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Serenity You, Renewed Daily, Sunday Stillness, The Beauty in His Grip, Tales of a Kansas Farm Mom.
I admit, I've caught myself saying something similar at times to others... and suffering from the guilty conscience that resulted.
It makes sense, doesn't it? After all, why would God permit us to have a gift, a vision, a goal... and not want us to exploit it to the fullest of our abilities? Especially if we are doing it "for Him?"
But that puts the focus where it shouldn't be - on us and on that desire - and makes us miss the true point of our lives: to be a living sacrifice in whatever area God places us in, regardless of whether we "feel" a passion for it.
At one time, I felt deep regret that I was not doing what I was "passionate" about... what I had been told by accomplished professionals that I was "gifted" in... what I built altars to in my heart and worshiped. That dissatisfaction poisoned the joy that I had in serving God where He had chosen to place me at that time.
I regret that regret, that discontent, that feeling that "my" talent was being wasted.
For it wasn't wasted. It was no more wasted than Jesus' probable skill in carpentry was "wasted"
when He set aside his hammer and awl, took up the staff of a wanderer with no place to lay His head, and became a theological teacher, an occupation for which the men of His day declared Him dismally unqualified {John 8:41}. It was no more wasted than Jesus' Kingship in heaven was wasted when He took on human flesh and became filled with the holy zeal of redemption.
No more wasted than Oswald Chamber's distinct artistic talent was "wasted" when he refused a European art scholarship and instead went to teach at an insignificant seminary... for years.
No more wasted than Amy Carmichael's gift of teaching was "wasted" when she decided to go as a missionary to India instead of staying to further her significant ministry to the slum-girls in Ireland.
No more wasted than Adoniram Judson's first wife Ann, who poured out her life in Burma for a few short years before slipping into an early grave. I wonder, what gifts - what talents - what passions did Ann Judson have? What "good things" did she plunge the knife into and kill on the altar of her heart?
For God will have no rivals for our affections, for our life's purpose. For our passion.
He - He alone - must become our life's Purpose - our Affection - "our Exceedingly Great Reward." {Genesis 15:1}
The point of our lives is, so very simply, Christ, isn't it? As Paul says, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." {Philippians 3:10}
And the Psalmist: "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple." {Psalm 27:4}
A broken ALTAR, Lord, thy servant rears,
Made of a heart and cemented with tears;
Whose parts are as thy hand did frame;
No workman's tool hath touch'd the same.
A HEART alone
Is such a stone,
As nothing but
Thy pow'r doth cut.
Wherefore each part
Of my hard heart
Meets in this frame
To praise thy name.
That if I chance to hold my peace,
These stones to praise thee may not cease.
Oh, let thy blessed SACRIFICE be mine,
And sanctify this ALTAR to be thine.
- George Herbert {emphasis his}
Food for Thought: How does this play out in your life, dear reader? Do you have a "passion" you have allowed to become the focus of your life?
Next Week: Part 2 of Passion - When God Gives the Desire and Other Thoughts
I might share this post with these blogs: Strangers and Pilgrims, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Homestead Lady, Deborah Jean's Dandelion House, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Serenity You, Renewed Daily, Sunday Stillness, The Beauty in His Grip, Tales of a Kansas Farm Mom.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Behind the Scenes: The Cover Shoot for Jemima
{My apologies to those of you who have been waiting for this post... I got a bit behind this weekend and couldn't post before now!}
The cover shoot for The Regency Adventures of Jemima Sudbury: Book One - The Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks
My sweet {and most patient!} eldest niece, Betsy
Various public parks, streets, backyards, and stables {yes, more than one!} in Rhode Island.
We knew the feeling we wanted for the cover - one of mystery, suspense, but not too scary! And we also wanted a few other pictures for back-of-the-book and publicity options. So, with a little mapping out of our route, we went...
I might share this post with these blogs: Strangers and Pilgrims, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Homestead Lady, Deborah Jean's Dandelion House, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Serenity You, Renewed Daily, Sunday Stillness, The Beauty in His Grip, Tales of a Kansas Farm Mom.
The cover shoot for The Regency Adventures of Jemima Sudbury: Book One - The Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks
My sweet {and most patient!} eldest niece, Betsy
Various public parks, streets, backyards, and stables {yes, more than one!} in Rhode Island.
We knew the feeling we wanted for the cover - one of mystery, suspense, but not too scary! And we also wanted a few other pictures for back-of-the-book and publicity options. So, with a little mapping out of our route, we went...
Trying many different poses...
We dubbed this "Mosquito Glen"... Even though it was still late afternoon, they ate us alive. Welcome to RI. ;-)
A Margaret-Dashwood-inspired pose.
We found this GIGANTIC tree in an obliging backyard!
After several hours, Betsy is still smiling!
The next day, we headed off to some local stables, where we found a very gentle...
Very large...
horse! :-) And some beautiful roses...
planted right next to the stable. What blessing the Lord brings unexpectedly into our paths!
We next moved onto a different stable with a very old {around 100 years}, but in very good repair, barn.
It was absolutely perfect, and the employee who helped us there in the enormous hay loft was fantastic, especially considering that it was one of the hottest days of the summer!
Speaking of heat, Betsy was certainly a trooper... She's wearing thick white sweater tights for the sake of authenticity!
And here's the finished cover:
I hope you enjoyed a peek behind the scenes!
Grace and peace,
Find Book One of The Regency Adventures of Jemima Sudbury: The Mystery of the Missing Cufflinks on Amazon:
I might share this post with these blogs: Strangers and Pilgrims, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Homestead Lady, Deborah Jean's Dandelion House, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Serenity You, Renewed Daily, Sunday Stillness, The Beauty in His Grip, Tales of a Kansas Farm Mom.
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