Friday, January 23, 2015

What I'm Looking Forward to in 2015: Scripture Memorization Goals

A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you my reading goals for 2015. I'm slowly but surely making my way through that list, as well as through my Goodreads reading challenge. :-) So far this year, I've read a couple of books for research {sorry, but I can't tell you anymore about that... yet!}, Where Can I Flee? by A.M. Heath, and She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell {Yes, it takes its title from that gorgeous Lord Byron poem.}. I'm currently reading Crooked Lines by Holly Michael and Unplanned by Abby Johnson. {I'm also reading a couple of research books again, but, again, I can't tell you anymore about that yet! :-)}

This week, I thought I'd share with you something that God has convicted my husband and me to make as a "goal" in our lives. So this is not a "Resolution for 2015." It's more of something that we are striving toward making a regular, consistent part of our lives, both this year and also next year... and the year after that... and so on, for as long as God gives us before He calls us to our heavenly Home with Him.

Basically, we're continuing to work on consistently memorizing Scripture, knowing that work in this area will give us a rich harvest in prayer, in spiritual battles, in our day-to-day lives, and so forth. We've been {very imperfectly!} working on this kind of regular memorization for the past year or so... and I'm thankful for it.

Thankful when the Holy Spirit brings a verse to my mind just when I need it.

Thankful to have Scripture rolling around in my head as I go to sleep sometimes.

Thankful to have the accountability of a memorization "partner."

Even thankful when I'm writing a story and God brings Scripture to my mind to include in it.

We don't do very much - only 1-2 verses a week. My husband chooses the verse{s} at the beginning of the week, and then we work on memorizing it separately over the next seven days, asking the Lord to impress it on our hearts, not just our minds. We "test" each other at the end of the week before starting a new verse.

A verse a week doesn't seem like much, does it? It isn't much, but it's 52 more verses in our minds and hearts and souls than we would have had if we'd not committed to this.

Anyway, I just thought that I'd share that it's worth it if you and/or your spouse are thinking about Scripture memorization.

Grace and peace,
Alicia :-)

You might find this post linked up at these blogs, too:
Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Renewed Daily, Soul Survival, Good Morning Mondays, The HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link Up, Grace and Truth Linkup

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